
Anna Joensen-Næs
Mail: annajoensennaes@gmail.com
Tlf: 00298585136
Tlf: 00298585136
I have been working with film for 5 years. I have been involved in many things at Klippfisk and also worked on my own, especially as an instructor and written manuscripts for short movies and documentaries.
I also work at the cultural- and Youth Department at the Faroese Broadcasting Corporation where I produce cultural programmes for radio and television. Among other things I have made a documentary series called “Can you see me?” with Maria Winther Olsen. We are now producing a second season which will be broadcasted in the spring.
I have also been doing dubbing of parts in children´s programmes since I was quite young.
It is also my ambition to work as an artist. I have been taking drama lessons at Sjónleikarhúsið and Dramaverkstaðið since I was very young. And I spent a year at the Danish drama continuation school Ryslinge Efterskole. I have played parts in several films – extra parts as well as larger parts.

Barbara Lervig
Mail: barbara.lervig@gmail.com
Tlf: +4407827763473
Web: barbaralervig.com
Tlf: +4407827763473
Web: barbaralervig.com
Barbara is a cinematographer and director, and alumni of the Northern Film School in Leeds.

Dávur Djurhuus

Mail: ingunskriv@gmail.com
Tlf: +298288366
Web: fishandfilm.fo
Tlf: +298288366
Web: fishandfilm.fo
We direct and produce documentary, shorts and feature films.
Based in the capital Tórshavn, in the Faroe Islands, our aim is to produce
present-day story with a strong narrative, and to nourish new Faroese talent.

Helmsdal Media

Mail: eir@kallnet.fo
Tlf: +298712232
Tlf: +298712232
Eg havi gjørt film í nógv ár. Eg filmi, klippi og instruere fyri tað mesta dokumentarfilmar, men eg havi eisini skriva filmshandrit og instruera spælifilmar , eg havi akriva handriktið til 3 jáolakalendarar í KVF, har eg eisini var instuktørur.

Julia í Kálvalíð

Mail: mail@raclip.com
Tlf: +298 288007
Web: raclip.com
Tlf: +298 288007
Web: raclip.com
The company was founded in the early 2000’s.
Since 2017 Raclip has produced commercials, music videos, OB productions, live-streaming events, documentaries for over 200 companies in the Faroe Islands and abroad.
Raclip has 3 full-time employees with different competencies which are linked to this profile.

Mail: Jakup@thog.fo
Tlf: 276710
Web: Thog.fo
Tlf: 276710
Web: Thog.fo
Filmsframleiðari við 15+ ára royndir, serkønur innan ljós, eftirframleiðslu og motion graphics.