Crew and companies
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Costume Designers

Anna Kristin Bæk
Tlf: +298 265180
Tlf: +298 265180
Uddannet beklædningsdesigner/formgiver fra Columbineskolen KBH 2002
Arbejdet som kostumier på Husets teater, Caféteatret, Den anden Opera, Tjóðpallur Føroya, Ævintýraferðin, Tvazz, Trom.
Arbejdet som beklædningshåndværker hos Marjun Heimá

Tlf: +298 591011
Tlf: +298 591011
We are a team immersed in the world of Nordic advertising and film, equipped with specialized skills to navigate the challenges of the Faroe Islands, where having plans A, B, and C is a must due to the unpredictable weather.
Collaborating daily with the entire Nordic film and event industry, we have a strong foundation to assist international clients in their projects and productions on the mesmerizing landscapes of the Faroe Islands. Leading the charge at FIXER.FO is Michael Koba, a seasoned producer with over 20 years of experience, closely tied to the success of KOVBOY FILM, a prominent name in advertising filmmaking.